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Plain Dealer Events
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Iowa Plain Dealer Index

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MarriageDeathObituaryMarriage LicenseDivorce

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NameEventDate of PaperPageCol
Adamec, Mary / Charles Humpal
MNov. 25, 192762
Adamec, Mary / Charles Humpal
MNov. 25, 1927102
Aga, Jacob
DDec. 2, 192741&2
Ahrens, Henry
DMar. 25, 192715
Albertson, Mabel / Alfred.C Creger
MJuly 1, 192782&3
Allen, Mary Etta Griffith
DJuly 8, 192752
Allen, Orville G / Amanda Ida Bigalk
MAug. 26, 192783
Ammon, Alvinia / Carl J Johnson
MApr. 22, 192741
Andera, Anna / Frank Markovetz
MLNov. 25, 192773
Andera, Anna / Frank Markovetz
MNov. 25, 192716
Anderson, Donald / lrene Waller
MApr. 1, 192716
Anderson, Edna Josephine / Harry Stanley Roberts
MJuly 1, 192724
Anderson, Hans Peter
DJuly 22, 192751&2
Anderson, Luther
DMay 20, 192714
Anderson, Martha
DFeb. 4, 192712
Armstrong, George / Alice Bums
MNov. 25, 192762
Armstrong, George / Alice Bums
MLNov. 25, 192773
Armstrong, Nellie / William Cummings
MMar. 11, 192713
Baethke, Lena Marie / Joseph Kobliska
MJuly 29, 192715
Baker, Johannah Grotjohn
DNov. 25, 192782
Balsley, Mabel / Herbert C Halweg
MJuly 8, 192712
Banninger, Walter P / Ruth Davenport
MJune 10, 192715
Barnes Infant (Minerva)
DJune 24, 192751
Barnes Infant (Minerva)
DJune 17, 192714
Barnes Minerva Mary
DJuly 1, 192762&3
Barnes, Eugene Oren
DJuly 1, 192763
Barnes, Helen / William J Brantner
MJuly 29, 192715
Barnes, Winifred / Wenzel Bily
MJune 24, 192713
Bartels, Mable / Will Mixdorf
MDec. 2, 192742
Bauer, J P
DFeb. 25, 192783
Beadle, John H
DOct. 14, 192713
Beadle, John H
DOct. 21, 1927123
Beaman, Amy / Fred Halfhill
MOct. 7, 192762
Beaston, Anna / John Dybevik
MSept. 30, 192761
Beaumaster, Gerald / Catherine Norton
MOct. 7, 192712
Benda, Mary / Lewis Herald
MSept. 23, 192744
Benson, Genevieve / Elmer Julius Risdahl
MDec. 16, 19271A5
Berka, John / Lucy Praska
MOct. 21, 192716
Betts, Rosalia M Watros
DAug. 5, 192712
Beucher, Beatha / Lawrence K Hatch
MDec. 2, 192712
Biewer, Phil / Elizabeth Rosonke
MLMay 27, 192754
Bigalk, Amanda Ida / Orville G Allen
MAug. 26, 192783
Bigalk, Eileen Marjorie
DMar. 11, 192744
Bigalk, Lucinda / Eric Lindanger
MJune 17, 192713
Bigalk, Lucinda / Eric Lindanger
MLJune 17, 192764
Bigley, Gladys / Wilber Parkham
MAug. 26, 192782
Bigley, Maxine / Leland Whalen
MFeb. 25, 192715
Bilek, Mary Kunt
DNov. 18, 192714
Bilek, Rose / Joe Panoch
MNov. 4, 192715
Bily, Wenzel / Winifred Barnes
MJune 24, 192713
Bird, Louis / Mary Daly
MMay 27, 192741
Bird, Philip / Helen Eischeid
MSept. 9, 192715
Black, Madeline / Mr Ginn
MApr. 8, 192751
Blaser, Ernest / Delia Davis
MApr. 1, 192714
Borgan, Hans
DDec. 16, 19271B3
Bouska, Jerry J
DFeb. 25, 192724
Bradley, A S
DFeb. 25, 192712
Brantner, William J / Helen Bames
MJuly 29, 192715
Brink, Herman
DDec. 2, 192713
Broghammer, Minnie / Gerald Ryan
MJuly 1, 1927103
Bronner, Aletta / Clarence E Darrah
MSept. 9, 192714
Brooks, Harold / Mabel Halweg
MFeb. 18, 192711
Brophy, Regina L / Charles J Walters
MLAug. 12, 19274A2
Brophy, Regina / Charles Walters
MAug. 26, 192774
Brown, Brayton / EstherTrouten
MDec. 30, 192713
Buffton, Katherine Lillian Daly
DFeb. 11, 192783&4
Bugenhagen, Frank / Virginia Lewis
MSept. 2, 192713
Bumikel, Leonard H / Madeline DeGroote
MLDec. 30, 192764
Buresh, Clara / John Dunt
MNov. 4, 192715
Buri Infant
DAug. 5, 192715
Burnikel, Leonard H / Madeline DeGroote
MDec. 30, 1927104
Burns, Alice / George Armstrong
MNov. 25, 192762
Burns, Alice / George Armstrong
MLNov. 25, 192773
Bush Baby
DOct. 21, 1927111
Butz, Will
DFeb. 11, 192771
Cameron, Flossie / Ellis Mintey
MAug. 26, 192715
Cameron, Myrtle / John P Evans
MDec. 23, 192715
Cannon, James
DOct. 7, 1927123
Cannon, James
DSept. 30, 192714
Carolan, Joseph P / Dorothy M Werhan
MAug. 19, 192716
Carroll, Mrs Will
DOct. 28, 192751
Carstensen, Margaret / Edward Shields
MDec. 2, 192712
Casnman, Elizabeth Lettivia Keefe
DMar. 4, 192713
Cassian, Clara / Dr S A Forthun
MMar. 4, 192711
Cenek, Emma / Ray Younker
MLJune 3, 192771
Chihak, Adolph / Clara I Marion
MJuly 1, 192724
Clancy, Ellen
DNov. 25, 192793
Clancy, Francis / Caroline Hauber
MJuly 1, 192713
Clark, Marietta
DJan. 7, 192712
Clement, Joseph / Ann Grinhaug
MJuly 29, 192715
Cleveland, Mrs E W
DJuly 8, 192714
Clynch, Will
DMar. 11, 192753
Collins, James / Vioia Hauber
MMar. 4, 192712
Conley, Delia
DMay 27, 192762
Conley, Delia
DJune 3, 192743 to 5
Conry, Edward / Regina Rinn
MMay 6, 192715
Coppins, Mary E Smith
DNov. 18, 192714
Cordes, Joseph Francis / Florence Gertrude Shields
MSept. 23, 192716
Costigan, Philip / Nellie Taylor
MOct. 14, 192741
Courtney, IA
DApr. 22, 192713
Creger, Alfred C / Mabel Albertson
MJuly 1, 192782&3
Crowe Infant
DDec. 30, 192712
Cummings, Mary Ann Pilcher
DAug. 26, 192772 &3
Cummings, William / Nellie Armstrong
MMar. 11, 192713
Cunningham, John Sr
DFeb. 4, 192715
A-C    D-H    I-L    M-R    S-T    U-Z    EventDate of PaperPageCol

The index for this table was transcribed from scans submitted by Janice Sowers, past president of the Howard-Winneshiek Genealogy Society. Thank you Janice for your contribution If you would like to help us add more information to this site please contact the County Coordinator. Your contribution will help our fellow Howard County researchers

To view Janice's scans of the index, click on the Page #'s
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